Physician Compare Tool: What is it?

Finding physicians and clinicians to give you the proper care can be really difficult. Are they covered by your Medicare plan? Are they close enough to your house that you don’t have to worry about a long commute? Are they specialized in a particular area of care you need? Lucky for you, you can use […]

Changes to Medicare Advantage Plans are Still Possible

The Annual Enrollment Period is over…But the Open Enrollment Period is now! Wait, what? Confusing, I know. But these enrollment periods provide you with unique options. The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) just ended on December 7th. AEP is the time Medicare beneficiaries have the option to consult with an independent representative and decide if their […]

Do I Need to Sign Up for Medicare at 65 If I’m Still Working?

The age of retirement seems to be delayed longer and longer for most Americans, leaving many confused about when to enroll in Medicare. While the standard is to enroll within three months from your 65th birthday, many people assume they do not have to if they will still be receiving health insurance from their employer. […]